Thursday 4 June 2015

Maths - problem solving and using what we know...

Maths lately has been a learning curve for us all in Room 18 these past few weeks! We have really needed to have an open mindset and apply the learning disposition 'keep going when the going gets tough' as we approach some rich learning tasks. We have been looking at using our knowledge of numbers and basic facts and applying this information to worded problems that can be solved in a number of ways.
These photos show a group working out an aspect of their maths map. 
The maths group Newtons have been solving tasks about a neighbourhood walk. They were given a number of senarios about things they might see on a walk. Here they are creating a fence so they can figure out how many fence posts or palings the fence might need. They then needed to explain their thinking to others, which can sometimes be quite tricky. 

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you have been using the learning disposition: "keep going when the going gets tough", It was great to see you sharing your ideas after a rich task last week. And Jubaer, I was super impressed with your how you had done your basic facts. You are a star! Keep up the great thinking and positive mindset.Room 18. Mrs Dudley.
